
At 404 Concrete, we are committed to pioneering innovative solutions that not only meet but exceed industry standards. As part of our ongoing efforts to lead in sustainable construction, we are excited to announce the integration of CarbonCure Technologies into our ready-mix concrete products. This groundbreaking technology allows us to produce concrete that is not only high-quality but also environmentally friendly.

What is CarbonCure Technologies?

CarbonCure Technologies is a revolutionary process that injects recycled carbon dioxide (CO₂) into fresh concrete during mixing. This CO₂ becomes permanently embedded within the concrete, where it chemically converts into a mineral and improves the concrete’s compressive strength. By using CarbonCure, we can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of our concrete products.

Why We Chose CarbonCure

  1. Environmental Impact: CarbonCure helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions by repurposing CO₂ that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere. For every cubic meter of concrete produced, approximately 25 pounds of CO₂ can be saved.
  2. Enhanced Durability: The introduction of CO₂ enhances the compressive strength of our concrete, resulting in more durable and resilient structures.
  3. Cost-Effective: The increased strength allows us to optimize mix designs, potentially reducing the amount of cement required and lowering overall costs.

Rigorous In-House Testing

At 404 Concrete, quality control is paramount. Our in-house Quality Control (QC) lab has conducted extensive testing on our CarbonCure-infused concrete to ensure it meets our stringent standards. Our tests have demonstrated that this innovative technology not only maintains but improves the performance and durability of our ready-mix concrete. Our QC lab uses state-of-the-art equipment and methodologies to test various properties of the concrete, including:

  • Compressive Strength: Ensuring the concrete can withstand the required loads and stresses.
  • Workability: Assessing the ease of placement and finishing.
  • Durability: Testing resistance to weathering, chemicals, and other environmental factors.

Our rigorous testing protocols ensure that every batch of our CarbonCure concrete is consistent and reliable, giving our clients confidence in the quality and sustainability of their structures.

A Commitment to Sustainability

The integration of CarbonCure Technologies into our production process is a testament to our dedication to sustainability. At 404 Concrete, we believe that building a better future means adopting practices that protect our environment while delivering superior products to our clients. By choosing 404 Concrete for your construction needs, you are not only investing in high-quality, durable concrete but also contributing to a greener planet. Together, we can build stronger, more sustainable communities. Stay tuned for more updates on our innovative practices and how we are continuing to lead the way in sustainable construction. For more information about our products and services, please visit our website or contact us directly.


404 Concrete

Building the Future, One Sustainable Step at a Time.